Become an ocean hero today

and stop plastic pollution.

Let's turn the tide on plastic!

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.”

- Rob Siltanen

Support our mission

Help us to reduce plastic waste in Thailand

SAMEoceans is committed to protect the oceans from plastic pollution. With our project at Thai schools we can save tons of plastic through education and ZeroWaste kits. Be part of the movement, become a #wavechanger and donate today for clean oceans!

Clean and beautiful beach

We understand that your efforts sometimes might feel like a drop in the sea. But don’t forget: together all the drops become the ocean in the end! It is so crucial to understand that when it comes to reduce plastic on our planet, it really depends on each and every one of us. Because every single straw avoided cannot end up in the nose of a turtle. Every cigarette butt that is hindered to blow from the street into a river can’t land in the stomach of a seagull. That’s why a plastic-free world starts with all of us.

Through our consumer behaviour we have the power to turn the tide on plastic together. We show you how you can change your habits, become more sustainable and leave a positive impact on our environment.

And if you want to go further and do more than that, we would be stoked if you want to support us – passively or actively.
Check out the possibilities below!

Every choice you make matters.

how you can support

Beach cleanup against plastic pollution of oceans

spread awareness

Like, love and follow our pages and help spread awareness!

On our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page we share tips and tales on the plastic problem and how to tackle it.

Please share our page in your network so we can inspire more people to stand up and act!

Support us if you love nature

Support Financially

It feels amazing to give back to your environment – and it’s so simple!

You can either support one of our running fundraisers, or support our local work by donating directly to our bank account.

We are SO grateful for every person helping us on our mission!

Become a volunteer for SAME oceans!

Volunteer with us

You want to participate in the change hands-on? Awesome!

We have different possibilities on how you can support directly, from single events to long-term opportunities.

Tell us your skills or what you would love to do – and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

Recycling and upcyling of plastic

Get creative

We love new ideas and creative input!

You have cool ways to avoid plastic or you’ve heard of an interesting project we can post?

Don’t be shy – let us know so we can share the love!

♡ Thank you for helping us to protect our oceans ♡